Signs and sign holders are great ways to communicate all manner of critical information. Choose metal or plastic notice holders from our collection to lead the way to exits, restrooms, customer service locations, party rooms and more in professional style. offers a huge selection of signs and sign holders, including desktop plastic sign holders, wall mount sign holders from deflect-o, directional signs that meet ADA requirements from Headline Signs, A-frame sign stands and much more. If your business recommends customers have a covered face, sign holder placement near the entrance is critical. Whether you're looking for a vertical stand-up sign holder 5x7 size, a tabletop sign holder 11x17 size or acrylic sign holders in a range of sizes, you'll find them in our inventory.
Thanks to fast shipping and bulk pricing from, you can get all the signs you need for your office with ease. If you need more information on the supplies and furniture featured at, or on GSA pricing, call us toll free at 1-866-501-6055. We're happy to answer any supply questions.