Don't want to type all of your order info?
You can request a return from the My Account section of our website. Simply login to your account, then select the order you want to place a return on.
We can only accept return requests for orders placed within the last 30 days.
Please complete the following form and enter all the required information.
We will process your request within 1-2 business days and e-mail you instructions on how to send back merchandise. Do not throw away any packaging until you hear from us!
Please follow the instructions in the e-mail you receive from us and send back any items we've requested.
If you are returning items to us, any refund owed will be issued once the items are received by our warehouse. This can take up to 14 business days depending on shipping and processing times.
Please contact us via live chat or call us at 1-866-501-6055 if you have any questions.
A return authorization number is required for all returned and exchanged items. An RMA number is only valid for 14 days after it has been issued.