Survive Cold & Flu Season: wipe down office supplies with disinfectant wipes.


It’s cold and flu season, so it [almost] goes without saying that you need to be extra vigilant about washing your hands. But that alone is not enought. If you’re not careful, your office is going to make you sick. Offices are incubators of cold and flu microbes. Your desk is crawling with germs — a whopping 400 times as many as found in the average men’s room. While you’ll never be able to sterilize your office, disinfectant wipes can help you stay healthy this year.

Alcohol-based disinfecting wipes kill the germs and viruses that make people sick.  Give your desk and frequently used supplies a daily wipe down with and reduce your odds of getting sick. You mainly need to worry about your telephone, computer keyboard and computer mouse. Each hosts thousands of microbes per square inch. Your telephone handset alone carries 18 times more germs than the handle of a public toilet. And these microbes can survive up to 72 hours. Regular disinfecting will go a long way towards keeping you healthy through cold and flu season.

Recommended Disinfecting Wipes
Clorox® Disinfecting WipesRating 5 stars (5 / 5 stars) by Anonymous

This is a great product. The smell is much nicer than the original lemon & fresh scent. This is a great product for cleaning your computer & telephone to ward off germs.

Buy Now

Source: BBC

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