Good deeds for great causes has an article up right now regarding donating to charity, and it has an angle I’ve never thought of before:

“Charities need office supplies year-round to operate,” said Joyce Wagster, coordinator for the event and founder of The Adam Turner Foundation, which works with area hospitals and shelters to raise funds for children who have been abused or stricken by cancer.

“It’s great to write a check — I mean everybody can use it — but if it’s something we can find lying around someone’s attic, that works, too.”

Wagster says administrative expenses for her own organization can be “quite costly.”

“Just basic supplies like antibacterial soap or copy paper that most (companies) take for granted can be expensive to have to buy year-round.”

I’ve always been one of those people who likes to donate my old stuff to a good cause, but I never thought about the kinds of things you can donate to a charity itself. Most non-for-profit charities exist to provide your goods to people in need, but what about the needs of the people running the charity? Check the article for a list, and then consider picking up some supplies to help out one of your local charities. You’ll feel great, they’ll appreciate it, and hey! It’s tax-deductible. In case, you know, you haven’t filed your taxes yet. Like me.

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